
Management SVQs
These qualifications are designed to meet the skills needs of employers of all sizes across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. It will attract new talent into management and will help to up skill the workforce to replace those who leave or retire.
Management Level 3 SVQ
(SCQF Level 7)
This is aimed at supervisors and first line managers who have some responsibility for managing budgets, allocating work to team members, colleagues or contractors, achieving specific results and for some decision making. It aims to provide learners with an opportunity to develop management performance, become more effective and to progress within their management roles. 

Units include managing your own resources and professional development, providing leadership for your team, and allocating and monitoring the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility.
This qualification takes 9-12 months to complete.
Management Level 4 SVQ
(SCQF Level 9) 
This is for practising middle managers who have responsibility for allocating work, achieving specific results, carrying out policy, controlling limited financial budgets and contributing to organisational change and recruitment. 

Units include developing and implementing operational plans for your area of responsibility, providing leadership in your area of responsibility, developing productive working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders, and managing business processes.
This qualification takes 12-18 months to complete.
Management Level 4 SVQ (SCQF Level 9) is approved for up to £200 ITA funding depending on eligibility.

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Aged 16 or over
  • Not in education or involved in any other SDS funded programme
  • Unemployed and looking to get back into work
  • Currently employed and earning less than £22,000 per year
  • Resident in Scotland
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